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The project approval review meeting of experts for seven alliance standard projects such as GCC test method for input and output system of green computing server was successfully held


On May 14, an expert review meeting for seven alliance standard projects, including Test Methods for Input and Output System of Green Computing Servers, hosted by Green Computing Consortium (GCC), was successfully held in Beijing.

The criteria for this application include the following seven items:

Green Computing Server Input and Output System Test Method

Green Computing Server Baseboard Management Controller Test Method

Security Capability Requirements for Green Computing Solutions

AI Acceleration Device SDK Unified Interface Technical Requirements

Performance Virtualization Test Methods for Server Application Scenarios

Server Application Scenario Performance Test Method Centralized Database

Server Application Scenario Performance Test Method Arm Native

It is composed of Wang Lijian, standardization expert of China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, Wang Wei, researcher of Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Duan Xiaoyi, associate professor of Beijing Institute of Electronic Technology, Lu Ju, general manager of Baiao Software Co., Ltd., Chen Xiaochun, assistant general manager of China Electric Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and Wang Jun Chao, general manager of China security technology market of ARM. After careful deliberation, the review committee approved the seven criteria.

The successful holding of this conference indicates that the green computing industry related standards construction work has been accelerated significantly.